Sometimes simple things are the best! While this section may not feature stunning vistas, waterfalls, fens or glades, it’s still a pleasant walk in the woods, and simply delightful after a spring rain.
Trail Conditions
The northern Trace Creek section of trail (north of 32) is in very good shape for a hike/ride. You can extend your hike or bike ride by connecting into the Council Bluff Loop at Telleck Branch. There is a tree down here and there south Hwy C, but mostly clear. Council Bluff Lake loop is all clear and it is in almost perfect condition. Watch for a few trees down south of the Middle Fork connector before Hwy 32.
Hazel Creek. Primitive camping is allowed in the Mark Twain forest (100′ from trail)
Miles of Trail
N to S ascent
S to N ascent
Trail Geography
This section is located in Washington and Iron counties and lies southwest of Potosi. The northern 18 miles of trail was constructed in 1968, with the last six miles added in 1983. To the north it connects with the Courtois section, to the south the Taum Sauk section, and in between is the Middle Fork-John Roth Memorial section. The Trace Creek section is open to foot, bike and equestrian traffic. A spur trail can be found near the section’s midpoint that leads to the 12-mile Council Bluff loop trail.
Land Managers
US Forest Service
Mark Twain National Forest
Potosi/Fredericktown Ranger
10019 West State Highway 8
Potosi, MO 63664
Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.